მაგალითად CARS FOR MINECRFT 1.7.2
საიტის მიზნები
საიტი განკუთვნილია MineCraft-ის მოყვარულთათვის. საიტზე განთავსდება MineCraft-ის მოდები, ტექსტურები, სკინები, რუკები და სერვერები...

1.8 [11]
1.7.10 [15]
1.7.2 [28]
1.6.4 [7]
1.6.2 [1]
1.6.1 [0]

მთავარი » სტატიები » ვერსია » 1.8

Legend of Zelda – The Shadow Cave 1.8, 1.7.10 and 1.7.2

At one point we have all come across and even played the legend of Zelda games, you may be in love with the Zelda games. Well I think you will love the legend of Zelda the shadow cave custom map for Minecraft, you may already know about this map as it has been very popular. Downloads of this map haven’t just come from the name, the developer of this map has done a great job in keeping this map very Zelda esc.

The map is best played on Minecraft 1.8, 1.7.10 and 1.7.2 This map is made for the adventure craft mod. It is one of the best custom maps for Minecraft and adventure craft, if not the best map! Playing threw this map is so enjoyable.

Please note to play this map you must have adventure craft installed as the map has a lot of features which cant be used with out adventure craft. This mod has NPC’s and a lot more features so make sure you download adventure craft first.

კატეგორია: 1.8 | დაამატა: RNkirito (2014-11-11)
ნანახია: 355 | რეიტინგი: 0.0/0
სულ კომენტარები: 0

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